How do I open and close check-ins?
Automatic check-in open and close
By default, check-ins will open and close automatically according to the times you set in tournament settings.
Sometimes you might want to open or close check-ins early, so we’ve provided a manual override too.
Manually open check-ins
To manually open check-ins, hit the Check-in open button in the tournament’s #admin channel.
Using the manual override for check-ins will not affect the automatic closing of check-ins at the set time (if enabled).
Manually close check-ins
To manually close check-ins, hit the Check-in close button in the tournament’s #admin channel.
What happens when check-ins open?
When check-ins open (either auto or manual), we’ll post a notification in #tournament-info asking registered players to react to check-in.
The criteria for a team being considered checked-in will depend on the check-in settings during tournament creation:
Captains-only checked: Only the captain needs to react.
Captains-only unchecked: Every player on the team needs to react.
You can use use the Line-up button in #admin at any time to get a table summary of check-in statuses for registered teams.
What happens when check-ins close?
We’ll finalise the lobby line-ups for the tournament, excluding any teams that are not checked-in, and automatically replacing them with checked-in teams from the waitlist.
If you’re playing a single-lobby tournament, a line-up graphic will be simultaneously published to #tournament-info and #admin.
If you’re playing a multi-lobby tournament, a match-specific line-up graphic will be posted to each #match-x-info channel, and graphics for all matches will be posted to #admin.